
By Goldsmith

Telos block production

Telos is no longer the best kept secret in blockchain. It is living, breathing, thriving ecosystem.

So much vitality. So much talent. All collaborating to build the great Telos metaverse.

And… it is contagious. 

The Daily Telos team are no longer content just building blockchain diaries and farm games on Telos. No. We want to be part of that great heart which keeps our beloved blockchain beating.

So we are thrilled… correction… we are ecstatic, to announce that Daily Telos has launched a Telos block producer rig, in Ted’s home nation of Singapore.

Shifting into overdrive Daily Telos is gearing up for a big, bright future at Telos. Block production, public notice boards, an NFT studio. All adding to our amazing and rapidly growing Telos economy.

So please – if you have a vote to spare, send it the way of dailytelosbp.

If you’ve got the vote; we’ve got the enthusiasm.